Tag Archives: B&W

The Power of the Web

Posted on 20. Jan, 2010 by .


The phone rang and when I answered  the man on the other end of the line said he wanted to talk about photographing his brand new baby boy.  These are the kind of calls I love to get because there is nothing as sweet as a brand new baby. I asked him, just like I do everyone that […]

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No Pain No Gain

Posted on 10. Jan, 2010 by .


When Christina and her family came in to do a new series of portraits we talked about doing black and white images to go with some previous images that we had done. She really likes b&w’s but wanted something a little different. So we went for a very natural look. The session was a little […]

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Playing with B&W’s and Little Boys

Posted on 28. Jan, 2008 by .


Most of the time, when people talk about black and white photographs at Cansler, they are referring to our dramatic dark black and whites. We love this style of image and it is great to focus on faces, expression and relationships. But lately, we’ve been feeling pretty inspired and wanted to try out some new […]

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