Archive for December, 2011

Portraits with Helen’s Family

Posted on 26. Dec, 2011 by .


On Christmas Eve I went to the studio to take photographs of Helen’s family. Well we ended up starting late and everyone was starving so we did some quick portraits of the family. I wanted something more artsy but starving relatives precluded taking the time. Here are a couple of the results.

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The Herd of Elephants Encounter on Christmas Day

Posted on 25. Dec, 2011 by .


Wow, what a day. Woke to the sound of a herd of elephants tromping thru the house, oh wait it was only Helen’s brother and Sydney. Helen and I have celebrated 32 Christmases together and it is always the same her brother wakes everyone up. Now he has a cohort in my daughter!  They both […]

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Santa Party 2011 at Cansler Photography, Chattanooga, TN

Posted on 07. Dec, 2011 by .


Every year we do a Santa party to thank our clients for their patronage. This year almost twice as many people came in and it was a zoo. Here are a couple of quick picks from all the cuties we photographed. Special thanks goes out to our friend Larry Duke who helped us find a […]

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