Day 4 – Trying to do it all
Posted on 23. Jun, 2010 by Brad Cansler in He-Said-She-Said
We let Sydney sleep in some after keeping her up so late last night. This means we are getting a late start but decided to head back to the Grove for breakfast. Then found a Whole Foods to replenish our supply of fruit and nut mix, protein bars and apples (this has been lunch since we’ve arrived).
Sydney was dying to go to the Japanese Tea Garden at Golden Gate Park so this was our next stop. Of course, it really was the wrong time of day for photographs but still beautiful. The park was packed with people – I mean really packed – which amazed us considering it was a Tuesday.
Next we headed over to the Conservatory. The last time Sydney had been there she had ridden in a stroller, sleeping for part of the time , so this time she was seeing it for the first time. The orchids that they had there were out of this world. I love orchids and usually have at least one or two plants blooming in the house. There were so many here that I’d never seen. We didn’t realize how fast the time was passing until they literally ran us out.
What now? The beach. I really wanted Sydney to see a little of the coast going down the Pacific Coast Hwy. We stopped a few places and took some snap shots and watched some wannabe surfers. Finally, we came across of beach located at the bottom of a cliff, so we traded our hiking boots for water sandals and headed down. Sydney had a blast letting the waves chase her, writing in the sand and exploring on the big rocks.
Just a little before sunset we headed away from the beach and towards our next destination which was Yosemite. The next city of any size that we would be going through was San Mateo. Out came Zagat on the laptop and I searched for somewhere to eat. Pancho Villa Taqueria was one of two options; as much as we love Mexican we decided that was where we were going. It looked a little like fast food, but at 9:00 pm we weren’t about to look for something else. It turned out to be more like Taco Rock(in Chattanooga) except on steroids. It had an amazing salsa bar, great food, lots of choices and very fresh, incredible value. Once again our culinary luck is going strong.
With full stomachs we headed for Modesto to spend what was left of the night.
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