A Pro Model at 5!

Posted on 10. Mar, 2010 by in Children, Portraits, Uncategorized

The first child model for our Strasburg Model Search was an absolute doll! Kylie was a little shy at first, sticking close to Mom and Nina, her name for her grandmother. But with Brad making silly noises and goofy faces we started to see some smiles.

She became good friends with our fuzzy, hot pink bird puppet. Once she saw it we had to talk her out of holding it during the rest of the session! Brad bribed her with a teddy bear, but as soon as he finished, she wanted the bird back.

During the session her Mom told us that she asked to participate in the search; she wants to be a model. At age five I think Kylie has found her calling! A perfect princess, she followed Brad’s instructions to the letter: “Move your chin down just a tad,” and “Turn towards Miss Laura,” were done as if she was a pro.

When the three lovely ladies returned to view the portraits from the session, Kylie brought in two handwritten notes with hearts on them for Brad and me to say thank you. I told you she was adorable! Kylie’s session went beautifully. We have some wonderful portraits of a sweet little girl.

Oh! And Kylie would like everyone to know that her photographer’s name is Brad. In case any model scouts are out there.



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Your Thoughts

  1. Robin Dean —  11. Mar, 2010

    Oh my Gosh . These are so beautiful. Thank you so much and the story is awesome!!!

  2. Selena Taylor —  12. Mar, 2010

    So beautiful… Great job Kylie!!! Thank you Brad and Laura.

  3. Nancy Wilhoite —  14. Mar, 2010

    She is beautiful! These are wonderful pictures and a great story too.

  4. Robin Dean —  25. Mar, 2010

    I am so excited for Kylie. She got a call last night from a modeling agency. She has an audition Saturday for a fashion show nwxt month. This is exactly what she wantrs to do. Thank you so mucch Brad and Laura. You two are awesome!!!