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Posted on 01. Feb, 2010 by Cansler Photography in High School Seniors
Susannah was our senior rep at Boyd Buchanan School. When we did her photographs, one of my (many) favorites, was an image that I took in front of a train. So I asked her if she would come back and let me redo the photograph with new lighting and my new high resolution camera. I wanted the image for a project I am working on. As always, Susannah was a great sport and even though it was freezing cold the day we did the photographs, she faked looking warm. She started off with tights on, which helped a little in staying warm; also, we kept putting her coat back on in between shots. One advantage to it being cold was that she didn’t have as large an audience as the last time.
I am such a lucky guy having wonderful clients to work with. Of course, it helps that they are beautiful too, and of course that just makes me look good.
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