Now for Somthing Completely Different
Posted on 13. Jul, 2009 by Cansler Photography in Family, Portraits
When Bob called several weeks ago in response for Peggy’s newsletter call for dad and children models it was great to hear from a client who has been with us since the beginning. Bob and Ellen came in to the studio back in 1992 the girls were cute and little but they were still missing the final piece of there family. When baby brother arrived we had the opportunity to record many beautiful and sweet moments as they grew up.
In talking with Bob we discussed how it would be fun to do something a little more casual, gritty and urban. We have done pretty many times and thought that it would be interesting to do something more contemporary since the kids are all grown. We met at the studio and then drove to an abandoned warehouse. Everyone was a great sport climbing through broken doorways etc (including mom who had a cast on her leg from foot surgery), we did something of the whole family a couple of things with dad and the kids and then at the last moment as we walked to the car a couple of shots of just the kids.
Thanks to our family for being with us from the start. It has been cool to see the kids grow up and change. My favorite part of what I do is the people that have become our friends over the years!

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