Coming Down is Hard After a Fun Trip!
Posted on 18. Jun, 2008 by Cansler Photography in Brad, He-Said-She-Said
- Chattanooga Airport 6:00am
Man is coming down is hard to do! Oh I do mean coming back to sea level. Helen, Sydney and I just returned from a week in Colorado. Helen had to go out to Denver for a conference so Sydney and I flew out with her a few days early. A couple of years ago Sydney became interested in going to the National Parks and getting a registration stamp at each visitor center to show that she had been to that park. She was very excited about the opportunity to get her passport book stamped at all the different National Parks we were planning on going to.
When we left Chattanooga (very early) it was warm and muggy. The flight into Denver went smoothly and we headed out towards Colorado Springs. It was nice and warm but no humidity, it was a great change. Helen had looked at the weather and it was supposed to be warm days and cool nights. When we arrived at Colorado Springs (6100ft) it was cooler but still very nice. We had beautiful weather visiting Garden of the Gods outside of town. Sydney thought it was cool seeing all the people climbing so she decided to try her hand a rock climbing and of course I was there to record the effort. She climbed all the way to the top, just kidding she is only a couple of feet above the ground. Her mother would have had a stroke if she really had tried rock climbing.
Just wanted to share couple of the images from the first day and the next morning with you. When I have a moment I will post images from the afternoon when the weather changed dramatically.
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