Archive for July, 2009

Urban Themes before Jet Setting Dreams

Posted on 09. Jul, 2009 by .


Leslie came in for part 1 of her Ultimate Session the other day, and as always we were scheming to try something new or shoot some new locations. We knew the other half of her session we were doing around and at her home when she got back from Hawaii. Doesn’t that sound like she […]

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Trash The Dress…Take 2

Posted on 07. Jul, 2009 by .


Meghan was one of the first people to comment on our Facebook page about wanting to do a trash the dress session! I could tell she was super excited, and couldn’t wait to get it scheduled! (Which just makes me more excited to get started on her session!) She brought in two GORGEOUS prom dress, […]

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Take 2…Ok One More Time…Take 3…

Posted on 07. Jul, 2009 by .


Nick’s session started out all too normal. His mom wanted something to compliment the senior portrait his sister had done by Brad a couple years back. We found a great little spot around the studio and took off from there. We stayed outside to get a different look for his football shots, and then headed […]

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