Maggie and the Mosquitoes
Posted on 03. Jul, 2009 by Cansler Photography in High School Seniors
Maggie came in earlier this week for her senior portraits and to get a few shots with her younger sister. It was an early morning session, so I was excited that it wasn’t going to be uncomfortably hot and humid. We headed outside, and the light was perfect. As you can see from the pics, she has gorgeous red hair that was absolutely stunning in the sun that morning. About midway through the session, I began to notice a common theme while we were shooting. We were all just a little too itchy. It went something like this: camera snap…itch itch…camera snap…itch itch. About this time we began to notice we were hosting a little breakfast buffet for the mosquitoes in the backyard. I ran and grabbed the OFF doused us all in it, and yes we did smell lovely! You would think after all this time OFF might come up with a bug spray that doesn’t make you feel like a walking citronella candle, but hey, it does the job. We had a blast with Maggie and her sister! We teased, we got great shots, we laughed, and of course, we itched.
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