Family Portrait
Posted on 27. Jul, 2019 by Cansler Photography.

A few days ago I had the privilege of photographing this wonderful family. The tallest young man on the end is one of my daughters best friends from grade school/high school. And mom is good friends with my wife Helen.
It was a tad hot and muggy, but everyone did great. Mom worked hard on coordinating clothing to pull it all together.
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’57 Bel Air Light Painting
Posted on 25. Jul, 2019 by Cansler Photography.

Last week I teased everyone with a before image of this car as we were setting up to create the light painting.
A special thank you to everyone involved in the logistics of setting up this event. It was a challenge with zillions of bugs, massive condensation and the hordes of people enjoying the sunflowers.
The final result an art piece that is unique and has special meaning since it was the owners grandfather’s car.
Here is link to a 4k video showing some of the building elements.
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McCallie Senior Portrait
Posted on 11. Jun, 2019 by Cansler Photography.

Been crazy busy with corporate work but this morning had fun finishing one of my senior’s portrait sessions. Levi couldn’t have picked a better temperature or more beautiful morning! At McCallie this morning.
Interesting note, this was a puzzle on how to light Levi’s face since we were 25 ft up off the floor.