Tag Archives: portrait

We See the Beauty in Others, but Not Ourselves

Posted on 21. Jul, 2017 by .


We all know the thought… I’ll just wait one more year maybe I’ll look a little better. We just can’t imagine remembering ourselves exactly as we are. We are always waiting for the moment that will never be here. The moment that we will feel flawless. However, in all the time that we spend waiting, we […]

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The Best “Art” Money Can Buy

Posted on 07. Jul, 2017 by .


Children are priceless and the importance of having family portraits taken is unmeasurable. It isn’t just for the parents, but for your children as well… As a photographer, I understand this concept. Taking portraits isn’t just to preserve memories, but to show a family’s love for one another. I also understand that a family portrait hung on […]

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Patience is a Virtue

Posted on 30. Jun, 2017 by .


I asked a woman today why she chose to have us photograph her teenager’s senior portraits. Her answer was one we seem to hear a lot: “Because I knew that you would work hard to create an image reflective of my son. Anyone can take a photograph, only an artist can create an image that tells […]

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