Tag Archives: Daughter


Posted on 16. Aug, 2016 by .


They come and go these milestones; quicker as I get older.  Before my daughter started school, birthdays were major milestones.  Or events, like feeding herself, her first steps, picking out her own clothes (that was interesting sometimes), learning to snow ski, and taking ballet.  These moments were huge.  Once school started, then it seemed like […]

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8th Grade Graduation Portrait

Posted on 27. May, 2015 by .


Well my daughter graduated from middle school tonight. She officially is in high school. What can I say. She did let me take 5 minutes of photographs before going to her graduation party. For those of you that have been to the studio hanging over one of my fireplaces is a life sized portrait of […]

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Sophia the toddler super model

Posted on 07. Nov, 2014 by .


Several days ago I put out a call on Facebook for models under the age of 3. Many people responded, I know I said I wanted 5 models but hard to say no to beyond cute toddlers! Sophia was the first of my little ones to come in tonight. She was a super model and we […]

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