Session Subjects: Acheson, Max the Bear and a very familiar looking dinosaur
Posted on 23. Mar, 2009 by Cansler Photography in Children, Portraits
I have to admit I was excited to work on Acheson’s session. I’ve seen his baby portrait and the heart melting reaction it has given the many other people who have seen it. I assumed though due to getting older the little boy that he is now would not look as angelic and sweet as the baby he once was. Boy was I wrong!
Acheson came in the studio with him mother, grandmother, and aunt looking cute as ever touting a stuffed animal bear I would come to know was his little friend Max. So we started the session hoping to catch lightening in a bottle twice, and trust me it didn’t take long for the same little boy to make the same sweet expression! A photograph of a boy and his bear is just one of those things that will never grow old.After that we decide enough with the mushy and gushy. We were ready to have some fun! So we changed it up from sailor to a very big boy winter outfit that came with matching big boy attitude! This was followed by a few shots of a very familiar looking dinosaur. Oh wait, I mean Acheson in Dinosaur rain gear with matchin
g dino galoshes. Check him out!
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