Posted on 30. Jun, 2009 by Cansler Photography in Family, Portraits

Abigail and Madison came in with their dad and grandmother as part of our Father’s Day Sample Promotion. We decide to do some sweet shots of the girls with their dad Greg in the front room and then brainstormed on something fun we could finish with. I don’t know if it was the heat upstairs in that room, but we were just stumped for a moment on how to capture that playful side of Dad and the girls. We knew we wanted them all looking at one another, but after that things got a little fuzzy. We got them into position, and like magic it happened. “It” is when Greg started tickling the girls, and everyone got the giggles.

It was such a sweet moment to be apart of. After that we decided to do something of just Abigail and Madison. I caught them whispering to each other about not having enough room, or Madison leaning too hard on Abigail, but then again I didn’t have to try very hard. Everyone in the room could hear their “whispering conversation.” We did bust them for not being very good at whispering, but I know they still had fun anyway. Thanks girls you did amazing!
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