Tag Archives: B&W

Rock and Roll Musicians!

Posted on 04. May, 2010 by .


Why aren’t classical musicians accorded rock star status? It’s certainly not because of lack of talent, it’s not because they aren’t fun people, what could it be? Several months ago when I first approached the Chattanooga Symphony and Opera Guild I was thinking about this very state of affairs. Why do  you have pop and rock […]

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Fun With Matt

Posted on 28. Jan, 2010 by .


It has taken a while and we finally were able to schedule Matt’s session. Mom and Dad had purchased a gift certificate at the St. Peter’s School Auction and we were having a hard time coordinating our schedules to actually do the portraits. The day arrived brisk and cool but very nice. Matt came in and […]

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Letting Go

Posted on 21. Jan, 2010 by .


One of my favorite (I have a lot of favorites) little boys came in recently to do a new portrait for mom and to use for Christmas cards. We talked about what mom wanted and we decided to do some very natural B&W’s. Ryan came in and we had a blast he got to jump around and […]

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