Tag Archives: B&W

Seems like a constant refrain but they do grow up too fast!

Posted on 04. Jan, 2013 by .


I first met these two several years ago when they were small. Now Austin towers over me and Elizabeth is almost as tall as I am! Time sure seems to fly so many of the kids I have photographed over the years are all grown up now, almost makes a person feel old! Nah. I […]

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Oops I told a story!

Posted on 24. Dec, 2012 by .


Well I lied earlier! I did have one more session to do before Christmas! My wife Helen wanted a traditional three generation portrait of her mom, her and Sydney. So here is a quick pick from the session I just did.

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Giving in Black and White

Posted on 19. Sep, 2012 by .


We are excited to be working with Childrens Miracle Network again. Starting in 1992 we created a fund raiser that we did twice a year for CMN. Every year we raised a substantial amount for our local Children’s Hospital. We did this by having clients make a check out directly to CMN. In this way […]

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