Archive for October, 2014

A Tiny Fall Break

Posted on 21. Oct, 2014 by .


This past weekend was my daughters fall break. We were supposed to go to the mountains but several things happened to prevent that. Involvement in a charity event that impinged on my time off. Carla my assistant has me on record saying not again! Helen’s parents came into town unexpectedly. And to put it bluntly […]

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Almost Rained Out!

Posted on 19. Oct, 2014 by .


Brady came in for his senior portraits last week. It had rained buckets in the morning but by 1 o’clock it was beautiful and we were able to get great images.

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Some people without brains do a awful lot of talking!

Posted on 09. Oct, 2014 by .


I was reminded of this fact yesterday!

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