Creating memories before it is too late!
Posted on 24. Oct, 2014 by Cansler Photography in Family
Yesterday was a crazy busy. Often we all have good intentions of creating lasting memories but never really make them happen, too many times we put off until tomorrow and then it is too late. Lately I have been reminded of this a lot where clients say I wish I had done a portrait with my _____ but now they are gone. My mom is 88 and my dad is 87 but the truth is none of us are guaranteed tomorrow so since my sister was here from San Diego, but leaving today, I felt compelled to capture an image with our original family. Left the studio way too late rushed to Hixson as the light was fading and quickly directed the family then I stepped into the image. For my photographer friends a 2 second exposure. We all breathed in unison and held our breath to hold still!
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