Operation Smile
Posted on 16. Apr, 2012 by Cansler Photography in Children, Portraits
Earlier this year while we were in New Orleans, Lisa and I were introduced to a charity event “Operation Smile”. It was a fasinating story and we will be sharing some of it with you. At the Kidz Expo this coming weekend we will be unveiling our fund raiser for this wonderful charity.
It is all about closeup portraits of individuals, young and old. I wanted some new samples for the show so called one of my clients and asked for her to bring her little doll Molly in for me to photograph. Wendy graciously agreed, and here are a couple of the results. Molly was amazing! Thanks Wendy!
The event will be held the weekend of May 19. Stay tuned for more information because this will be the perfect opportunity for all those that have wanted a Cansler portrait but have never done it. We will be offering a one time “Operation Smile” deal. In order to raise as much money for this charity it will be the best monetary DEAL Cansler has ever offered!
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