Black Tie Football
Posted on 26. Oct, 2010 by Cansler Photography in High School Seniors, Uncategorized
We were getting a few “What ARE these people doing?” looks from Taylor in the first minutes of his senior session with us. But he soon realized we’re just crazy. And that’s because I suggested we have him pose with his football in his suit (we also had him mimic the Heisman pose but Brad left it out of this post so if you want to see it make sure to leave a comment; maybe I can talk Brad into posting it!)! Anyway, I think it’s a nice change from the expected football and jersey combo. And yes, we took some of those too.
So once we got Taylor to crack up with us we moved on to the serious stuff. Yes, you read that right. You have to break the ice with the goofy things then move to serious faces. Otherwise people look stiff and uncomfortable. And since that’s not how Taylor looks in everyday life, that’s not what we’re going for. So here are a few that Mom loves. Nice, classic senior portraits.
Oh! And one more for the football fans out there!
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