Boy oh Boy oh Boy oh Boy!
Posted on 23. Sep, 2010 by Cansler Photography in Children, Portraits
What does a photographer do with four boys ranging from college to elementary school? Whatever Mom wants of course! These four were cooperative all through the changing of clothes, posing, Brad and his never-ending, I mean meticulous, shots. The only time they balked was in the original plan for the shot below. In which they were supposed to be positioned MUCH closer together. And then we were told that it was weird and they weren’t getting that close to each other! Naturally, Brad, Mom, and I thought this was hilarious, but the boys did not. So the shot below is the compromise.
See, getting a portrait taken isn’t bad at all! We even let you have your way sometimes! Honestly though, the shoot was a lot of fun. I think these four actually like each other [Just from a distance!! 😉 ].
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