Theme and Variations

Posted on 23. Oct, 2009 by in High School Seniors


Bryan came in to have his senior portrait taken recently. This was a case of me already knowing what I was going to do. Usually I don’t have a specific idea until I meet my seniors and look at there clothes. His mom had talked with me already and I knew we were doing a portrait that would look good alongside his older brothers portraits.(Sound like a common theme?)

Of course we did the formal for the yearbook then a quick semi formal. After that we went outside, it was a nice day, which lately seems out of the norm, so we finished quickly. He was of course relieved that it didn’t take long. Epps8756It is wonderful to have the opportunity to create portraits that become heirlooms. The pleasure of working with the same clients over and over is you get to catch up on how everyone in the family is doing. Thanks Ann.Epps8805

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